Is this sports psychology?

No, the methods I use are not associated with sports psychology but you may receive similar insights from an energy clearing session with me and often faster results as I make changes to your subconscious mind through the energy clearing methods I practice. 

What level of sport do I need to be competing at to work with you?

I accept working with athletes who are professional, semi-professional, aspiring to be professional or serious competitors in non-professional sports. 

Do you accept athletes from any sport?

Yes I currently accept athletes from any sports. 

How many sessions will I need?

That all depends on a number of factors and everybody is very different, but after your first session I'll be able to give you some recommendations based on what you want to achieve. 

Do you do In Person, Zoom or Phone sessions?

Due to my busy and changing schedule I don't offer any in person, Zoom or phone sessions. All session correspondence is via email. You will get a copy of your session notes and a detailed video recording explaining the imbalances cleared in the session. If you have any further questions you can ask via email and I will reply either by email or in the video of your following session.

Does distance energy clearing work as effectively as doing a session in person?

Yes, it is as effective as working in person. Energy connects regardless of distance and we experience the same profound effect whether in person or via distance.

How soon after a session can I expect results?

Some people feel better after just one session whilst others may take longer (several weeks or months) to notice a difference (depending on their issue). Restoration, healing and balance happens in layers. We can’t force or miraculously speed up the process and it is not possible to provide any guarantees as each person brings their own unique set of experiences and upbringing to the session. 

A person can’t expect to get fit after only 10 minutes of exercise. So we need to be realistic that it may take longer to peel back the layers and get results. When we are heavily focused on getting immediate results and attached to a desired outcome we may miss or ignore any subtle changes. After a session there may be some subtle changes that occur in the way you feel, respond and react in different situations. 

After a session many clients report feeling lighter, like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Many clients have noted that other people (such as family, friends, colleagues) have noticed a positive difference in them that they themselves didn’t notice. Clients have also reported emotional difficulties disappearing or becoming much easier to handle. Developing greater awareness, compassion and empathy with themselves and their relationships. 

After a session we provide you with some information on how you can further support your healing journey and get the most out of your sessions.

Will this energy clearing modality work for me if I don’t know anything about energy clearing? 

Yes. You do not need to understand every aspect of the process in order for it to work. 

We encourage people to have an open mind about energy clearing. Everything in the world is made of energy including our bodies. If we stay open to the possibilities then anything can happen. 

Our bodies know what we need to heal and be at our best. We use The Emotion Code, Body Code and Belief Code, via muscle testing your subconscious mind to tap into that inner knowledge so we can release and correct imbalances and empower your body to thrive.

Who created The Emotion Code, The Body Code and The Belief Code?

The Emotion Code was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson after more than 20 years as a Holistic Chiropractor and teacher. When working with his patients he discovered that his patients’ aches, pains and discomfort were often more than just physical, but they were also emotional. This led him to develop the Emotion Code. Dr. Nelson coined the phrase ‘trapped emotions’ which are negative energies that become trapped in the body during intense emotional events.  

After years of practice and dedication to finding the root cause of his patients' issues he took everything he learned about energy medicine and created The Body Code system and then further added the Belief Code.