8 Reasons Why An Athlete Would Need An Energy Balancing Session

1. You're experiencing a loss of confidence, lack of self belief or stuck in a form slump.

All of the above issues are often related to a deeper hidden fear that an energy balancing session may be able to help you overcome these fears. 

2. You keep getting opportunities to go to the next level but you always seem to mess up your chances with a poor performance.

The opportunities keep coming for you but you just can't take one. Usually this is due to a hidden self sabotage pattern keeping you at the current level of competition because it's safer than experiencing something new.

3. You're at the top of your game and want to stay one step ahead of the competition.

When you are at the top of your game you are always having to create a better version of yourself to keep at the top. We can help you find the little edges in your mindset to stay at the top for longer. 

4. You are working so hard but just can't seem to improve and feel like you've hit the ceiling on your potential.

Hard work is a great way to try and improve but if your mindset isn't right it will limit your potential to grow and improve. An energy balancing session can help you break through that ceiling by removing limiting beliefs keeping you stuck. 

5. You feel like you can go further and achieve bigger things but you can't seem to get your big break or opportunity.

Sometimes you think you have done all we can to impress a coach or scout but you just keep going unnoticed even though you believe you can do a better job than others who are moving through the grades. This is usually due to a hidden belief pattern that is preventing you from being seen and moving you to the next level, no matter how hard you work.

6. You experience imposter syndrome and feel you don't belong or fit in the level you are at.

If you feel like you don't belong at a certain level this is usually because of a hidden self belief issue. Most of these patterns stem back to our childhoods and are rarely related to the sport we choose.

7. You're experiencing chronic or recurring injury niggles that interfere with you performing at your best.

Injury niggles can severely affect an athletes performance and confidence. Often these niggles are your body trying to communicate with you that something is out of balance. We help get to the root of the niggles to help your body recover faster and prevent further injury.

8. You feel like you have lost your spark for the sport you once loved.

We all go through tough times where we feel like giving up, but if these feelings are left unaddressed for a period of time it can really make it hard to motivate yourself to perform. Our method can help you identify the underlying hidden patterns causing a loss of spark.

If you are experiencing one or more of these circumstances in your life I would highly recommend an energy balancing session with me. For a list of our packages please click through this link. https://www.eiqsportsperformance.com/collections/packages



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